Reinstalling Previous Ridge
The ridge is arguably one of the most important parts of the roof, therefore it is essential that it is installed properly.
Prior to 2014 BS5534 allowed ridges to be installed using only a cement mortar mix. Unfortunately on most larger developments this meant that cement designed for bricks was used to installed ridge tiles, however, this mix is too weak for the exposed areas on the roof and often the cement would wash away over a fairly short period of time.
That is what we discovered in this case.
We reinstalled this ridgeline using a dry ridge system, this isn’t the only option available to us and we could have used a mortar mix again provided we used 2 mechanical fixings on each ridge tile. To install the dry ridge system we first placed a new batten across the ridgeline for support and then relayed the previous ridge tiles.
Another job well done to our guys as customer was extremely pleased!

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