Fibre Cement Slates
Fibre (fiber) cement shingles are often known by their manufacturer’s name such as eternit or transite. Sometimes the fiber in the cement material was asbestos which has been banned for health reasons since the 1980s. Removal of asbestos shingles requires extra precautions and disposal methods.

Nowdays there is no asbestos in the fibre cement slate, in fact most are made from recycled materials and can really be considered a true green alternative to slate. It is a very cost effective alternative to natural slate and has a very similar finish, however, the cost effectiveness is shortlived compared to the durability of a slate roof. In the long run a slate roof makes better financial sense.
Why use natural slate then ?
Fibre Cement Slates do not have the same durability as natural slate, natural slate is literally a ‘rock hard’ natural material that means a quality slate roof will last a lifetime (or sometimes two) while man made alternatives will have life expectancy of 30-50 years.