Felt Roof Repair
“Who Are They?”
Next up for the lads, a drive out to Luton. “Unite The Union” or more commonly known as “Unite”, is a British and Irish trade union formed in 01/05/07 by the merger of Amicus and the Transport and General Workers Union. It is the largest trade union in the UK and Ireland. The General secretary of “Unite” is Len McCluskey.
“The Problems”
Upon arrival, our guys went up, and did some inspection on the roof in question. It soon became apparent where the leaks were coming from. As you can see from the picture below, The felt had seen better days, and had reached it’s life expectancy. Felt roofs will usually last between 10 and 15 years, if done properly.

“What We Did”
The guys here at Synergy roofing were very quick to come up with a solution. First thing first, the previous damaged felt needed taking up. after they took the felt up, they had to replace the previous damaged boards underneath as well. Once the prep work had been carried out, the next step was to put some new boards down, followed by the new felt. The outcome? A water tight and secure roof as well as one very happy client! a fantastic job from all round. good work guys.

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